About Me <3

Hello, lovely people who have decided to visit my website! Thank you for even getting past the first page and continuing on (and thinking it was the least bit worth checking out). Greatly appreciated! I don’t know if you got the hint already but I love writing about my “awe-inspiring” problems & boring life that I’m positive everyone wants to hear about.

Six years ago, I decided to start this blog to help people with the knowledge and wisdom I have gained from my many, crazy, & enlightening life experiences (& not only to talk about my boring life, thank goodness).

The basic stuff you should know about the young me who started this blog: She was just a girl who was really confused with her life, who was once frustrated with it, who was once upset with it, who decided that she should sit in front of a computer and write about it. To write about how she’s dealing with what life has handed her and hoping people would read it. Hoping she could help others. Impact them.

That tween is now an adult in college. Bleh. But besides the fact that I’ve grown up (only a little), I’m still very much confused with my life & how to live in a fulfilling, satisfying way. So basically, I’m still a mess & that’s why this blog still exists.

Thank you for joining me on the journey! Here’s to learning how to live our lives. Here’s to changing our world. Here’s to living through the sleep-walking, and the dull days and the sad moments. Here’s to finding ourselves.

‘Cause I know I’ve been lost along the way once or twice.

-Bielle ♡